Sunday 21 August 2022

Walk Rainow 21/08/2022

 Jayne M. led a Sunday walk starting from the Robin Hood Pub at Rainow.

Jayne wrote:-       Dear all, this walk will start on the road behind the Robin Hood in Rainow post code SK10 5XE.Meet Hazel Grove 9.30 for a 10.15 start.Walk is 10.5 miles with an option to cut short to 8 miles for those who wish to do so. We follow field tracks and through farm land and up on to moorland walking towards, the ruins of thursbitch farm. We then have a steady climb out of the valley, across farm land to Lamaload reservoir. At the reservoir there is an option to take a shorter walk back to the Robin Hood for those who want to. For the longer walk we walk up past woodland on to moorland again and then back through farm land, there is a short steep climb before we walk across fields where you can see the church in the distance and Rainow.