Thursday 24 June 2021

Walk The Cloud 24/06/2021

 John E. led a Thursday walk from the free car park next to the Knott Inn at Rushden Spencer .S then W. Cross, Oulton, Woodhouse Green, W. Ancient Burial chamber, N. Gosberryhole lane, NE. following Gritstone Trail to The Cloud  SE, Gritstone Trail across A523 conduit then near Barley Fold Bridge we turned SSW. to the A523 again at The Royal Oak pub then return. A late start due to lots of road works at Poynton and Adlington. A warm dry overcast sometimes misty day following overnight rain. 7 members, 1 dog & 1 prospect enjoyed a 9 mile walk. 

Ancient Burial Chamber

I think these are Rias  (near The Cloud)

Wallabies (near The Cloud)