Losehill Hall Weekend (The ‘B’ Group version)
Pam F, Joan and I set off to Losehill at 2.30pm hoping to arrive in daylight and without encounters with snow or ice – and we did. The Hall has been very well re-furbished and our dorm was comfortable. The lounge areas were blessed with lovely log burning stoves too.
On Saturday there was a 3-walk spread. ‘A’ walk was a linear one by Pam and Paul D, involving a bus to Foxhouses, ‘B’ walk was Denise’s (unrecce’d, what a surprise), a circular walk direct from the Hall and ‘C’ was a memory walk up Winnat’s Pass for Ken, Rick, Helen, Rob (?) and Hilary.
Dave R was a super backstop and help on my walk, which was up Losehill Pike, halfway up which we had a snap break in the vague shelter of some trees. Dave took half the group along a lower route, while I went to the top of the Pike with the rest. We met up just below the sharp rocky descent to the woods where we had a sheltered lunch break while the world and his wife plodded past us.
At Hollin’s Cross, Chris H, Clive and Mike went further along the ridge and up Mam Tor while the rest of us made the descent past Mam Farm and along the “old road” by Shivering Mountain.
The ‘Mam Tor three’ met us at the metalled road then Kath, Pam & Joan went across the fields to Winnat’s Pass Farm, Kath’s childhood home, Martin and Maryanne went down Winnat’s Pass itself and the remaining 10 of us went via Rowtor Farm, along the top fields and finally made a steep descent to the west of Peverill Castle down to Castleton.
I made that descent largely on my backside with a few ‘roly-polys’ as well. Some took tea in a genteel fashion at the Rose Cottage Tea Room, while others had stronger stuff at the Cheshire Cheese. All of us felt we had had exercise equivalent of several gym workouts, but felt invigorated by the lovely snowy day and good company with lots of laughs. Special thanks to Dave R for all his help and to Pam D for organising yet another super January weekend.
On the Sunday, people dispersed in various directions, some to walk, others to shop, on a bright but chilly blue sky day.
Denise C