Denise’s Combs Circular
What a glorious day! 19 of us, including 2 new guests Chris and Nick,
set off from The Beehive Pub in Combs village.
Within 200 yards Brian’s
usual splendid effort at shining his and Ursula’s boots was ruined when
we crossed mucky cattle bog. Leader, distracted by chattering, lead
everyone astray briefly before the correct bridge crossing of the little
river Meveril was found. Skirted Combs Reservoir, and after short
coffee break there, climbed up via Meveril Farm on the slopes of Lantern
Hill almost to top with great views of the glassy mirrored surface of
the reservoir. Down to Haylee Farm where 3 extremely noisy dogs chased
round and round us until called back by owner. Descent to Meveril Brook,
crossed by romantic little bridge, conveniently reaching Beehive Pub
for lunch time in the sunny open air.
After lunch, left the village by
the Dove Holes road, turning off down to Old Brook House, crossed
meadows and very tall stile to follow path by railway as far as Chapel.
Up the hill on long slow ascent through lovely beech woods to the road
just below Combs Edge. After gentle climb, down to Bank Hall Farm and
over the meadows for a short tea break enjoying late afternoon sun.
Having committed a total of 3 errors of walk leading, the Leader
narrowly escaped a spanking on reaching the cars at the Beehive Pub.
How lucky to have such great weather in November.
More Photos Here