16 of us turned up for this now annual ritual. Near perfect wintry
conditions - a light blanket of snow, a frosty atmosphere and blue sky -
allowed us to enjoy a brisk walk from Birch Vale via Little Hayfield
and Park Hall to the white shooting cabin and from there the views of
Kinder Reservoir and its impressive backdrop. We greedily devoured the
mince pies and mulled wine at the foot of William Clough before
continuing around the reservoir and back into Hayfield, where we were
joined at the George by Pam F, Jack and Lesley. A 20 minute bash down
the Sett Valley Trail in the gathering gloom got us back to the cars.
Some of us had made an effort with the festive hats, but Paul D once
again stole the show with his complete Sant outfit. Well done Paul! An
enjoyable day out and a good start to Christmas
Click here to see the photos