04th: Easter Sunday walk
Whilst many in the group were in South wales, nine of us gathered
in Alstonfield for a sunday ramble. The weather in Stockport was wet as
we gathered, but the leader had a word on the hot line and we had a
sunny day.
Starting in Alstonfield the plan was to follow a bit of Chris and
Wendy walk into the river valley then turn right, down the popular end
of Dove Dale, passing Dove Holes, Reynards Cave, 12 apostles, Jacobs
Ladder, 400+ ramblers and 50+ dogs (ranger joke) we arrived at the third
conveniences of the walk. Navigation in the hands of the co pilot we
went uphill to luncheon overlooking Ilam, then carried on across fields
to Alstonfield, 4th PC stop, cars, change out of slightly muddy boots
and in for a pint.