Denise’s Walk Sunday 28 September 2014
After a grey overcast start the day improved steadily and was mostly sunny and fair as 11 of us set off from the Piethorne Car Park at Ogden Reservoir by Newhey.
After a grey overcast start the day improved steadily and was mostly sunny and fair as 11 of us set off from the Piethorne Car Park at Ogden Reservoir by Newhey.
Crossing the foot of the Ogden dam, we ascended steadily via Carr Farm to cross the M62 footbridge and take a morning tea break in the lea of Castle Hill which cut the traffic noise.
Descending with Norman Hill Reservoir to our left we then turned westwards through a lovely mixed woodland path through Old Ground wood and enjoyed lunch by the path across the meadows above Kitcliffe Reservoir with fine views. Up and down again and alongside Piethorne Reservoir there was another long steady climb almost up to the main A672 north of Denshaw. Short of there we went west past Rooden Reservoir and gently down to the south side of Piethorne where the road took us back past Kitcliffe to Ogden reservoir and our start point.
My “stringometer” indicated 9.5 miles, but with all the ascents and descents, it was probably nearer 10 miles after which 7 out of the 11 went to the Bull’s Head for a swift drink up on the flowery terrace still in the afternoon sunshine. Amazingly no "getting lost adventures" for a change on my walk!